Nor are unnecessary side trips or extravagant forms of lodging. Parking fees and tolls are deductible, but car repairs, general maintenance, insurance, or depreciation of your vehicle do not qualify. You can deduct actual out-of-pocket expenses or claim the standard mileage rate of 17 cents per mile. Travel: This includes the cost of lodging (not meals), car expenses and air fare you may need in transit from your old home to the new one.

In addition, you have to work full time for your new employer for at least 39 weeks within the first year after the move.

You have to start the new job within one year of the move. Like we said above, your move has to be work-related. The top criteria for qualifying for moving expense deductions is this: your new home has to be 50 miles or more from your previous job and home. However, if you decide to move your family on your own for other non-work-related reasons, you won’t be eligible to write off those expenses. It also has to be within a certain distance of your previous home, and you have to remain working in that job capacity for a certain length of time. If your boss told you your position is being uprooted and you have to move to another city to head up a new department, many costs would be covered.

To expect your relocation costs to become tax deductible, the move has to be related to employment. Luckily, the IRS gives fairly generous tax deductions for moving expenses if your move qualifies under their criteria. Moving is costly, so when you can save a few bucks on your expenses, so much the better.